Entry and Stay for Work Visa in Italy

Entry and stay for work visa in Italy. The Ministry of Labor and Social Policies – General Directorate of Immigration and integration policies, with reference to issues relating to immigration for work reasons. Find out how to apply for a residence permit and work visa so that you can work in Italy. Find out how to get a job offer, apply at the Italian consulate for a work visa, and then get a resident permit when you are there. Find out what paperwork is needed, such as a contract for employment, evidence of housing, and health insurance. Follow the instructions to submit your biometric information and renew your residency permit every year. Keep up with the most recent rules and regulations regarding residency and employment permits in Italy.

Entry and stay for work visa

The consolidated law on immigration), carries out the following functions: stay for work in Italy۔
produces publications (on a semi-annual and annual basis) relating to the collection and analysis of data relating to the foreign presence in the Italian labour market  and the importance that non-EU citizens have in the Italian employment system (consult the  publications );collaborates with the other competent Administrations  (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Ministry of Tourism) on the planning of entry flows for work reasons, which takes place with decrees of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (so-called “flow decrees”) – see Flow Decree for the three-year period 2023-2025 Prime Ministerial Decree of 27 September 2023  (published in the Official Journal General series no. 231 of 3 October 2023).detects the internal needs  of the labor market by carrying out extensive consultation with the Regions,  trade associations and main trade union organizations and monitors  the use of entry quotas for work purposes,  analyzing the flow trend in real time, also in view of future programming ;distributes the maximum quota of entries established in the flow decree  to the territorial labor offices with specific circulars, taking into account the request for manpower needs reported by the Offices following territorial consultations with local authorities, social partners and trade union organizations. The distribution of quotas takes place through a computerized system (SILEN) (see ” Ministry of Labour Circulars – distribution of entry quotas for the Flows Decree”  on Entry regulations for work purposes.

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Access to the job market in Italy

Entry and stay for work visa in Italy

–  directly in Italy ,  if present in the territory and in possession of a regular residence permit qualifying for work , in addition to the requirements established by law; the employer – via the IT system for sending the Mandatory Communications – will have to complete a single communication form for the hiring of the non-EU worker in electronic format (for further information and forms, go to the  Servizi Lavoro website );

–  from abroad, within the entry quotas established annually with the flows decree .  The request  for the hiring of a non-EU worker can be presented to the One-Stop Shops for Immigration by an Italian or foreign employer regularly resident in Italy and can only be presented after the publication of the flow planning decree in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic.  The methods  for requesting work authorization are indicated in specific joint circulars between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, the Ministry of Tourism, after consulting the Ministry of Business. foreign affairs and international cooperation, which are published well in advance of the date scheduled for the submission of applications. ( Intermenstrual Circular Prot. no. 5969 of 27 October 2023 which contains the operational indications for the implementation of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 27 September 2023 concerning the transitional planning of the entry flows of seasonal and non-EU seasonal workers into the territory of the State for the three-year period 2023-2025.

–  from abroad, outside the quotas established by the flow decree, for some particular cases of entry . These are entries for work reasons possible throughout the year, regardless of what is established by the flows decree and for which there is no numerical limit (with the exception of entries for training internships and professional training, for professional/amateur sport and for volunteering for which a specific quota is determined. They concern highly qualified workers, managers, specialized workers and workers in training, seconded to subsidiaries in Italy, researchers, university professors, nurses, entertainment workers. , etc.

Simplified entry procedures for work purposes

Entry and stay for work visa in Italy

The  Ministry of Labor and Social Policies has signed  the Memorandum of Understanding for the Simplification of Procedures with some of the comparatively most representative employers’ organizations at national level , as required by art. 44, co. 5 of  Legislative Decree 73/2022 , converted with  Law 122 of 4 August 2022 ,  published in the Official Journal no. 193 of 19 August 2022.

Furthermore, specific  Memorandums of Understanding have been stipulated between the Administrations concerned and the Trade Associations (pdf file)  (pdf file) to provide information and assistance to interested employers for applications for the issuance of work authorization relating to entries outside the quotas.

The objective is to speed up the procedures under the jurisdiction of the One Stop Shop for Immigration and meet the expectations of the Italian and foreign citizens concerned. The provisions of the Memoranda of Understanding are made operational at a local level with agreements signed by the Prefects, responsible for the One Stop Shops, with the Associations. 

Furthermore, specific  Memoranda of Understanding  are signed by companies with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, jointly with the Ministry of the Interior, to access a simplified procedure for the  transfer of managers, specialized workers and workers in training .

By signing this protocol, the company guarantees compliance with the provisions in force regarding the entry into Italy of highly qualified non-EU workers, with particular regard to sufficient economic capacity to be able to proceed with the hiring. Therefore, the request for work authorization is replaced by a  simple communication  presented, electronically, to the One Stop Shop for immigration.

This simplified procedure does not require the opinion of the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, but only of the Police Headquarters (absence of reasons preventing the entry of non-EU workers into the national territory). The communication is, therefore, directly transmitted to the Italian diplomatic-consular representation abroad, competent for the worker’s residence, for the purpose of issuing the relevant entry visa.

For further information on the different methods of entry into Italy for work reasons, please refer to the following links on the Migrant Integration Portal:

Entry and stay for work visa in Italy


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